Upute za gledanje - što bi tijelo htjelo? : povodom 70. rođendana Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti : izložbe iz zbirki MMSU, svibanj-listopad 2018 = Instructions for watching - what the body wants? : in celebration of the 70th birthday of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art : exhibitions from the MMSU collections, May-October 2018

COBISS.SI-ID: 44466221


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Embargo: Ni določeno

Digitalna vsebina dCOBISS (Upute za gledanje - što bi tijelo htjelo? : povodom 70. rođendana Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti : izložbe iz zbirki MMSU, svibanj-listopad 2018 = Instructions for watching - what the body wants? : in celebration of the 70th birthday of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art : exhibitions from the MMSU collections, May-October 2018)


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