"The Blue Rider" : watercolours, drawings and prints from the Lenbachhaus Munich : a dance in colour : [Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munich, 19 June - 26 September, 2010, Albertina, Vienna, 4 February - 15 May 2011]

COBISS.SI-ID: 33608707


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Digitalna vsebina dCOBISS ("The Blue Rider" : watercolours, drawings and prints from the Lenbachhaus Munich : a dance in colour : [Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munich, 19 June - 26 September, 2010, Albertina, Vienna, 4 February - 15 May 2011])


Ime datoteke: blue-rider2.jpg