Connected : Peter Kogler with --- George Antheil with Friedrich Kiesler with Hedy Lamarr with Fernand Léger with museum in progress with Otto Neurath with Charlotte Perriand with Franz Pomassl with Winfried Ritsch with Franz West --- : [Kunsthaus Graz, Universalmuseum Johanneum, 28. 6.-20. 10. 2019]

Kogler, Peter

COBISS.SI-ID: 24316931


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Embargo: Ni določeno

Digitalna vsebina dCOBISS (Connected : Peter Kogler with --- George Antheil with Friedrich Kiesler with Hedy Lamarr with Fernand Léger with museum in progress with Otto Neurath with Charlotte Perriand with Franz Pomassl with Winfried Ritsch with Franz West --- : [Kunsthaus Graz, Universalmuseum Johanneum, 28. 6.-20. 10. 2019])


Ime datoteke: KoglerP.jpg