Design thinking to envision more sustainable technology-enhanced teaching for effective knowledge transfer [Elektronski vir]

Avsec, Stanislav

COBISS.SI-ID: 137277443

Embargo: Ni določeno

Digitalna vsebina dCOBISS (Design thinking to envision more sustainable technology-enhanced teaching for effective knowledge transfer [Elektronski vir])

The present study aims to examine profiles of design thinkers in a teacher education programme during technology-enhanced teaching/learning in face-to-face and distance modes. Additionally, it investigates how the design thinking (DT) profiles are related to students’ interpersonal and evaluative skills, as well as how DT profiles predict the level of use of technology. A total of 307 undergraduate students participated in this study. Hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis were adopted to identify the DT profiles, whereas multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was run to study how the DT profiles were related to respective students’ levels of interpersonal and evaluative skills. Subsequently, the individual profiles of all components of DT were examined for group differences using cross-tabulations. Multinomial logistic regressions were run to examine relationships among DT profiles, interpersonal and evaluative skill levels and use of technology. Based on these analyses, three major findings were obtained. These are as follows: (1) Three distinctive DT profiles were revealed underlying a new extensively validated DT mindset. Low importance was given to team learning and knowledge transfer, which points to the lack of behavioural uncertainty; (2) DT profiles differed significantly in their metacognitive perspectives of interaction- and individual-centred tasks, as well as evaluative skills of monitoring, critical thinking and reflection; (3) Interaction-oriented design tasks involving target use of varied technologies were seen to further enhance socialization, facilitate dialogue and reflection, create an immersive experience and aid the understanding and internalization of tacit knowledge. These findings represent a step toward closing critical gaps in the theory and practice of DT and serve as a springboard for instructors and researchers to develop customized metacognitive instructional support for students in technologyenhanced environments for effective knowledge transfer.

Ime datoteke: Avsec_Design.pdf